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This is our news archive page. Here you will find the previous site updates dating back to the sites creation (W.I.P) links here may or may not work depending so beware! -Mr.Din


05/18/2016: Rolling with the Punches!

- We're back at it again with more news! SEGA recently released a SEGA Genesis Hub on Steam, if you're a resident of the US this hub will be an automatic update to your Genesis titles on steam, collecting all that you currently own in a nicely set up hub world resembling a bedroom that smells of the 90s! UK owners get the hub as a separate purchase. This Hub also allows for Hacked versions of the games labeling them "mods" and you know what that means, more love for the SoR Hacks! Gsaurus as well as other members in the steam community are working hard to ensure you get access to these mods asap. Check out our Steam Group and be part of the action!


- We're Expanding! We now have a new facebook group and new forums for you to join, help support us by signing up and sharing. You can now find us at the following links:

New Message Boards!






- If you missed the last podcast you can check it out here! Unfortunately we missed one last week due to a very hectic schedule but rest assured one is being put together and coming soon. Remember to #SoRPodcast and your questions @Streets_of_Rage on twitter to get some answers on the podcast alternatively you can visit the forums or facebook group and ask your questions there!


04/20/2016: You Became The Boss! You Are Great!

What's up folks, Mr.Din here. As you all might have noticed the Forum is currently down, that means the site transfer has come to completion and I have some work to do but in the meantime discussion can continue over at the Brawlers Avenue Community Or post on the current archived forums 

Downloads are also being sorted out, download sections will likely be removed and put together in one section, making them easier to manage and access. More exciting news coming in the next update, hopefully much sooner than later. Stay tuned!

If you’re looking for news or information on Streets of Rage, you have come to the right place! This site has been created to produce relevant fresh content on Streets of Rage, from latest updates to essential podcasts, this site has all the information you need, enjoy your time at SOR Online!


Copyright Notice                                              OpenBoR Terms of Use


Streets of Rage is copyright © 1991-1994 Sega Enterprises, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

The OpenBOR engine is copyright © 2004-2011 OpenBOR/Open Beats of Rage.

Streets of Rage Remake is copyright © 2003-2011 Bombergames.

This site is 100% unofficial. It is in no way affiliated with or endorsed by Sega Enterprises Ltd., Bombergames, or the OpenBoR community. We accept no responsibility for the way material on this site is used. All site content is contributed by SOR fans and/or is used with the permission of the original author. Credit is given wherever possible, however if we missed you please email email us and we'll correct that!

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